■27.関係詞⑦ カンマが付くとき

She has a son who is a doctor.

She has a son, who is a doctor.




She has a son who is a doctor.

彼女には医者をしている息子が1人いる →息子は1人とは限らない



She has a son, who is a doctor.

彼女には息子が1人いるが,彼は医者だ →息子は1人だけ




The woman, who seemed to be in a hurry1, kindly showed me the way to the post office.

She complained2 loudly3 to the store clerk4, who answered her mildly.

The truck5 ran into a bus-load of children6, many of whom were killed.

Kangaroos, which carry their young in a pouch7, are found only in Australia. 

Last Wednesday, when I went fishing, was a national holiday.

The company went bankrupt8, which is not surprising to me.

1急いでいる ※2文句を言った ※3大声で ※4店員 ※5トラック ※6子供たちを乗せた ※7ふくろ ※8倒産


The woman, who seemed to be in a hurry, kindly showed me the way  to the post office.

その女性は       (彼女は)急いでいるようだった           (しかし)親切にも私に道を教えてくれた  郵便局への

She complained loudly  to the store clerk,  who answered her mildly.

彼女は大声で文句を言った             店員に                  (しかし)彼は彼女に穏やかに対応した

The truck ran into a bus-load of children,  many of whom were killed.

トラックが子供たちを乗せたバスに突っこんだ                (そして)彼らの多くが死んだ

Kangaroos,  which carry their young in a pouch,  are found only in Australia.

カンガルー         (それは)子供を体のふくろに入れて運ぶ         (は)オーストラリアでのみ見られる

Last Wednesday,  when I went fi shing,  was a national holiday.

先週の水曜日           (そのとき)私は釣りに行った     (は)国民の祝日だった

The company went bankrupt,  which is not surprising to me.

    その会社は倒産したが                  それは 私にはおどろくことではない




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