■46.仮定法過去完了形② if~の仮定法

If I had been a bird, I could have flown there.



If I had been a bird, I could have flown there.

もし私が(以前)鳥だったら      そこに飛んでいくことができたのに

be動詞の大過去形had been,can flyの大過去形could have flownを使い,過去の事実に反することを表しています。


POINT 仮定法の考え方





If I had had a baby, my life would have been more peaceful.

Had you been more careful, you would not have been sick.

If it had not been for his help, I would have lost what I had1.

But for my parents'help, I couldn't have bought the mansion2.

To hear him speak Chinese, you would have taken3 him for a Chinese.    

I was very busy, otherwise I would have attended the meeting.

1私が持っていたもの ※2豪邸 ※3take A for B:A をB と思う

If I had had a baby,  my life would have been   more peaceful.

もし私に子供がいたら            私の人生はなっていただろう           もっと平穏に

Had you been more careful,  you would not have been sick.

あなたがもっと注意深かったら                   あなたは病気になっていなかっただろう

※文頭のIfが省略され,あとの主語とhad の順が逆になっています。

If it had not been for his help,  I would have lost   what I had.

もし彼の援助がなければ                            私は失っただろう             持っていたものを

if it had not been for:もし~がなかったならば(過去の事実に反する)。but for~・without~とほぼ同じ意味。 


■「もし~」を表すのに,if のかわりにbut for~などが使われることがあります。

But for my parents' help,  I couldn't have bought the mansion.

両親の助けがなかったら                      私はその豪邸を買えなかっただろう

To hear him speak Chinese,  you would have taken   him for a Chinese.

彼が中国語を話すのを聞いたら                 あなたは思っただろう                   彼を中国人と

I was very busy,  otherwise   I would have attended the meeting.

私はとても忙しかった       さもなければ            私は会に出席していただろう



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