問1 In paragraph(2), what is mentioned as something the Church did?

① Creating universities to train workers

② Getting businesses to help the poor

③ Holding religious services for the unfortunate

④ Offering medical treatment for the ill

問2 According to paragraph(3), what did poorhouses do?

① They collected taxes from people to help develop towns.

② They fed people in need and gave them a place to live.

③ They helped train people in occupations and find them jobs.

④ They provided an alternative to the Church and its beliefs.

問3 According to paragraph(4), which opinion became common during the 18th century?

① Books hid the reality of society’s attitudes towards the poor.

② Giving help to the poor would cause them not to work.

③ There would be fewer poor people due to new social programs.

④ Workhouses should urge poor people to seek assistance.

問4 According to paragraph(6), what is one characteristic of social businesses?

① They are causes of economic inequality.

② They get financing from central governments.

③ They hire local people in their companies.

④ They mainly deal with big businesses.

問5 What would be the best title for this passage?

① Challenges for Churches

② Helping People Through the Ages

③ Personal Approaches to Charity

④ Religious Beliefs and Helping People

問6 次の表は,本文の段落と内容をまとめたものである。1~4に入れるのに最も適当なものを,下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び,表を完成させよ。ただし,同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

① Current systems to provide public assistance

② Faith-based help for the poor

③ Negative feelings towards charity

④ Public institutions’ moves to aid the poor


問1 ④ 問2 ② 問3 ② 問4 ③ 問5

問6 1② 2④ 3③ 4①

出典:センター2017追試験 - 大問6

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