問1 The author laughed when he remembered the first day because he (  ).

① felt it was the happiest day for him

② had known very little about hiking

③ had met many interesting people

④ spent that day in front of the fire

問2 The author decided to take a long hike because he (  ).

① could stop at small towns along the way

② lost his well-paid job in the city

③ wanted to stop and think about his life

④ was dedicated to spending time in nature

問3 Sam needed five more years to finish the trail because he (  ).

① walked only a limited distance every year

② walked too much while doing his job

③ was carrying too much in his pack

④ was walking with his wife and friends

問4 The phrase at my fingertips is closest in meaning to (  ).

① clearly marked

② easily reached

③ finally finished

④ softly touched

問5 What did the author do on a typical day on the trail?

① He ate ice cream and did laundry in town.

② He enjoyed meeting interesting people.

③ He waited in his tent for the weather to improve.

④ He walked in the wild and cooked by himself.


問1 ② 問2 ③ 問3 ① 問4 ② 問5

出典:センター2016追試験 - 大問5

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