問1 The passage mentions that it is difficult to understand which colors consumers like better because (  ).

① color preferences differ from generation to generation

② consumers’ favorite colors vary for different products

③ product marketers choose the most popular colors

④ various products are purchased by consumers when shopping

問2 In Figure 1, which of the following do (A), (B), (C), and (D) refer to?

① (A) Bags (B) Footwear (C) Cellphones (D) Music players

② (A) Bags (B) Footwear (C) Music players (D) Cellphones

③ (A) Footwear (B) Bags (C) Cellphones (D) Music players

④ (A) Footwear (B) Bags (C) Music players (D) Cellphones

問3 Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?

① German businesses consider green to represent passion to consumers.

② German consumers perceive one color as containing multiple images.

③ German people appear to prefer green clothing to red clothing.

④ German producers choose one color for products after observing their sales.

問4 What topic is most likely to follow the last paragraph?

① The effects of globalization on color choices in international business

② The importance of marketing electronic devices in other countries

③ The influence of the Internet on product choices in international business

④ The significance of color for the consumers in other countries


問1 ② 問2 ③ 問3 ② 問4

出典:センター2018本試験 - 大問4A

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