問1 According to the article, the author calls the current situation in Asia a crisis because (  ) .
1  many more male airline pilots are quitting their jobs than before
2  the accident rates are increasing among both male and female pilots
3  the number of female pilots has not changed much for the last few decades
4  the number of future pilots needed will be much larger than at present

問2 According to the article, there is little difference between men and women in (  ) .
1  how easily they learn to operate airplanes
2  how likely they are to be involved in accidents
3  how much time they can spend on work
4  how people perceive their suitability for the job

問3 In Paragraph ((4)), the author most likely mentions a Japanese female airline captain in order to give an example of (  ) .
1  a contribution female pilots could make to the workplace
2  a female pilot who has excellent skills to fly a plane
3  a problem in the current system for training airline pilots
4  an airline employee who has made rare achievements

問4 Which of the following statements best summarizes the article?
1  Despite negative views toward female pilots, they can be as successful as male pilots.
2  Due to financial problems the percentage of female students in a pilot academy in Asia is too small.
3  In the future many countries worldwide may have to start hiring more female pilots like Asian countries.
4  There is little concern about increasing female pilots in the future because major obstacles for them have been removed.

正答 問1: 問2: 問3: 問4:
平成30年度試行調査 英語リーディング 第6問A

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