■50.not,noの比較表現① 最上級の意味を表す

Nothing is so precious1 as time.

No other animal is so large as a whale2.  

1貴重な ※2クジラ

■原級,比較級にnothing,no other~がつくと,最上級の意味(最も~)を表します。

?more precious than(~より貴重だ)でもよい

Nothing is so(as) precious as time.

ゼロのものが同じく貴重だ            時間と   (→時間ほど貴重なものはない)

?larger than(~より大きい)でもよい

No other animal is so(as) large as a whale.

      ゼロの他の動物が        ~と同じ大きさだ   クジラと  (→クジラほど大きな動物はいない)


注意 any~でも比較級で最上級の意味を表すことができます。

① =Time is more precious than anything else.

② =A whale is larger than any other animal.



Nothing is as disappointing1 as to be betrayed2 by a friend one relives on.

Nothing gives me more pleasure than the innocent3 face of my son.  

He is a more successful writer than anyone I have ever known.

Do you know that Japan once produced more gold than any other country?

The tiger is more fierce4 and cruel5 than any other creature6 that lives in the forest.

What is more important than anything else7 is to think for yourself8 and form9 your own opinion.

1失望させる ※2betray:裏切る ※3無邪気な ※4勇敢な ※5残酷な ※6生物 ※7他の ※8自分自身で ※9形づくる

Nothing is as(so) disappointing   as to be betrayed by a friend one relives on.

ゼロのものが同じく失望させる                               信用した友に裏切られることと


Nothing  gives me more pleasure   than the innocent face of my son.

ゼロのものが      私に喜びを与える                           息子の無邪気な顔より


He is a more successful writer   than anyone I have ever known.

彼は成功した作家だ                                         私の知っているだれより

Do you know   that Japan once produced more gold  than any other country?

あなたは知っていますか?    日本はかつて多くの金を生産していたことを            他のどの国より

The tiger is more fierce and cruel than any other creature that lives in the forest.

トラは  勇敢で残酷だ                        森林に住む他のどんな生物より

What is more important than anything else is   to think for yourself

他のどんなことより大切なことは                                                   自分自身で考え

and form your own opinion.




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