■10.LOS ANGELES AND NEW YORK(ロサンゼルスとニューヨーク)


America is one of the largest countries in the world. Having about 300 million※1 people, it has many more people in it than Japan. The distance※2 between Los Angeles and New York is more than 4,500 km. Because these cities are so far apart from each other, they are also very different.
※1 100万  ※2距離


One of the most dangerous※1 things about Los Angeles are the earthquakes※2. This is one of the reasons why there are more skyscrapers※3 in New York than Los Angeles. If Los Angeles had many tall buildings, then most of them would be destroyed during earthquakes.
※1危険な ※2地震 ※3摩天楼(超高層ビル)


Los Angeles is more spread※1 out than New York. New York has more subways and trains, while Los Angeles has more cars and buses. It is more convenient※2 in Los Angeles to drive a car than it is to take the subway. New York is the opposite※3. One of the most convenient ways to travel is by subway.
※1広がっている ※2便利な ※3反対


The weather is also very different. New York weather is similar to Japan. It snows during the most chilly※1 time of the year and it gets humid during the summer. Los Angeles doesn't get any snow, so it's more comfortable※2 than New York during the winter. In the summer Los Angeles gets more hot weather than New York. The most the thermometer※3 ever read in Los Angeles was around 45 degrees Celsius※4.
※1寒い ※2快適な ※3温度計 ※4摂氏


Of the many different things that Los Angeles and New York have, these are only a few. This is why each city is exciting in its own way. Los Angeles has more beaches and you can visit Hollywood. New York has Broadway musicals and more history. The thing that you should remember the most is to have fun when you visit these cities.

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