■6.LAS VEGAS(ラスベガス)


Las Vegas is one of the most popular cities in the world. What an amazing place it is! It is most famous for its gambling※1, with it's bright lights and loud※2 noises, but gambling isn't the only thing Las Vegas has that attracts its millions of visitors from around the world. How exactly does Las Vegas attract its customers※3?
※1ギャンブル ※2さわがしい ※3客
ラスべガスは,世界で最も人気がある都市の1つ。なんともすばらしい場所です! ギャンブルやネオン,街の喧騒で知られていますが,ギャンブルだけが世界中からの何百万もの人を引きつける都市,ラスべガスの魅力ではありません。ラスべガスがこれだけの人を引きつける魅力は何でしょうか。

One of the things that attracts visitors is the amazing hotel casinos. One of the most beautiful hotel casino is the Bellagio, which has a popular free show in the front. There is a big artificial lake in front of the casino that has water jets, which move with music playing in the background. With 5-minute shows that play about every half hour, what a spectacular sight!


Another interesting hotel casino is the Mirage, which has a man-made volcano that erupts※1 every hour. However, it's not actual lava※2, its water and lights, that actually look like real lava. What an amazing idea!
※1噴火する ※2本物の溶岩


This is just the outside of the hotel casinos. The insides also have fantastic sculptures※1, many shops, and beautiful paintings※2. How wonderful would it be to be able to live in one of these casinos?
※1彫刻 ※2絵画


Another thing that hotels offer is great food and what a delicious platter of food it is! Every hotel casino has a restaurant. The Rio hotel has a seafood restaurant that serves delicious food. From the other side of the casino, you could almost smell the delicious aromas※1 of oyster※2, crab※3, lobster, sushi, and barbecue. When you step into the restaurant, you can hear the people say “What great smells this place has! How delicious does that barbecue smell! What an expensive※4 restaurant this is!”
※1香り ※2カキ ※3カニ ※4高価な

The restaurants can be expensive, but they are worth※ it to some people. There are also restaurants where you can eat meals at low costs.

Gambling is the reason why Las Vegas is so popular. The many slot machines are Las Vegas's biggest money-maker. The bright lights and exciting sounds are enough to make people want to play. This with the 100 million dollar jackpot※1, almost everyone is tempted※2 to play a few dollars. Next, the table games are also just as appealing. Although they aren't as flashy※3 as the slot machines, you can win much more money at the table games. You will also hear many people say “What a GREAT day this is!” orHow lucky I am!”
※1賞金 ※2誘惑される ※3派手な

Different people have different interests and whether you want to gamble, eat delicious meals, or just relax, Las Vegas has just about something for everyone. These are only a few of the reasons why many people come to Las Vegas, but what great reasons they are!



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